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About Me

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I am currently studying Product Design at Coventry University.
I love being creative, my favourite subjects have always been Design and Art as I enjoy exploring different thoughts and concepts and portraying my ideas.
I use a wide variety of mediums that allow me to share my ideas as well as explore my creativity.  I am constantly looking for ways to broaden my design knowledge, by using different materials and tools, to taking online courses.
I enjoy experimenting with new ideas and like to on occassions  venture out from compulsory aspects of my courses, and explore how to boost my creativity.
I like to bring information from my courses together and use knowledge I have acquired in my Psychology A-level about people and how they think to bring my designs to life just for them.
When I started my Product Design course I found my passion, I knew I wanted to do design.
The projects I have worked on have been varying target markets.  Last year I designed a new public area in a local town.  It was an amazing opportunity to improve my skills.  By designing a product to suit so many different people all who could have different tastes and interests. It was a challenge, but it helped me to better consider how to design to for a diverse audience.
Away from my studies, I like to take part in volunteering events which help me develop my confidence and allow me to work with others as part of a team.  For me this is a chance to give something back to the community.  Working with others for people in need, is really rewarding.
I am already loving the journey that a career in Design is bringing.  I am already excited just thinking about the endless possibilities and what I can do.  Something big, something small, extravagant or simple I love them all.

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